Friday, 21 February 2014

Famous SFF rejections

To keep my morale up, I've been delving into how often classic books and bestselling authors were rejected.

It's almost funny, reading the list of classic books that editors decided had no future.  It makes me wonder why they chose to publish SFF if they couldn't see the potential in these works.  What books am I talking about?  Here's a list of some:

H.G. Wells. - The War of the World
George Orwell - Animal Farm
Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451

And now for some stats on the number of rejections:

Frank Herbert - Dune  -                          Rejected by 23 publishers 
Stephen King. - Carrie -                         Rejected by 30 publishers
Madeline L'Engle -  A Wrinkle in Time -  Rejected 26 times

It seems to me that publishers have never been able to spot a classic story when they see one.  And that gives me hope.  If these giants of the genre could keep going through the long years of rejection, then so can I.

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