Several things have led up to this decision. First, I want to free up the time I've spent in writing FEM-SF posts for writing new short stories. I still don't have enough good stories to send out on circulation, and I need to up the hit Rate. And some of the stories that have been edited to within an inch of their lives and repeatedly submitted are running out of new markets to try.
So I must write some new stories. I have no shortage of ideas for these. I have a lever-arch file full of them, and two plastic wallets full of scribbled notes on pieces of paper. I have no shortage of material, but I need to set aside time to write them. I've set a goal of getting at least one short story accepted by a paying SF magazine this year. So I have to up the story numbers being submitted. I know full well that this is a numbers game.
Secondly, I want more time to experiment with short stories, try different writing styles, try to push the boundaries of my craft some more. And thirdly, I have a file of already-written stories that just don't make the grade. I have three in front of me now that bear the legend 'more setting' on the top. This is one of my failings, an impatience with large chunks of description, but I am now training myself to enrich my settings by putting enough detail in.
This doesn't mean I'll stop commenting on SF subjects on the wendymetcalfe blog. If the Hugos turn out to be a disaster again this year, I'll no doubt rant about that again. But I have my fingers crossed, hoping that won't happen.
The more I've written on both blogs, the more I've realised that the things that concern me - issues like the under-representation of women authors - are common to all parts of the publishing world. Far from being a strange and rarefied genre, SF is afflicted by the same kinds of prejudices, politics, and issues as any other genre. The case for a dedicated SF blog isn't made. So I'll say goodbye from this blog, and hope to see you over on in future.
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