Monday, 17 November 2014

NaBloPoMo Day 18. Panthera : Dearh Spiral

Panthera : Death Spiral. Chapter 3

Chapter Three. Nic Hunter - Earth

  Nic keyed in his encryption codes and waited for the file to unlock.  The screen came alive with figures, a listing of money paid into his company business accounts.
  He leaned back in his seat and looked out of the window of his apartment, across the jumble of city rooftops to the river glinting in the sunlight in the distance.  He liked this place, and now his client had paid the last of his instalments for the Jupiter security contract he'd be able to pay the next month's rent.
 Looking at the river brought his thoughts back to his conversation with Bryn last night.  He'd never seen his younger brother so scared. He didn't understand what Bryn did at Exoviron. Bryn had joined the company twenty years ago as a junior information systems graduate, full of enthusiasm for creating sentient AIs.  Nic had dismissed his brother's dreams as unrealistic, but he'd seriously underestimated Bryn's talent.

Panthera : Death Spiral is available as an ebook and paperback from Amazon.

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