Thursday, 6 November 2014

NaBloPoMo - Day 7

Panthera : Death Spiral.  ChapterTwo 

Bryn Hunter - Exoviron Systems headquarters, Earth

  Bryn leaned back in his seat and looked at the screen that covered one wall of his office.  The space was little bigger than a cupboard and he didn't use it often, but he needed privacy today.
  Pan sat beside him on his haunches.  The company called him an Artificlal Intelligence EnviroScout, Panthera body form.  His quantum-scale optical computing hardware was anchored to a carbon nanotube skeleton covered by programmable matter.  Panthera looked like a kingcat, with a tawny coloured coat blotched with black and a broad black stripe across his back.
  Pan looked up at him, and although he knew it wasn't physically possible Bryn imagined he saw anxiety in the AI's twin fisheye lenses.  It matched his own feelings.
  Pan tapped into the vid and audio feeds from the Board Room and sent images from the cameras to the wallscreen.  Torr Nevan, the Exploration Systems Director, and Kerr Gallend, the Finance Director, walked into the room.  Bryn didn't know them well.  He'd been keeping a low profile from most people recently, and urging Pan to do the same.  The AI was sentient, and he was worried about the company's reaction when they discovered that.  It wouldn't be welcome news to them.

Panthera : Death Spiral is available as an ebook and paperback from Amazon.

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